Server Error

Module paste.exceptions.errormiddleware:144 in __call__
>>  app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
Module solmundr.web.middleware:13 in transaction_middleware
>>  res = app(environ, start_response)
Module pyramid.router:187 in __call__
>>  response = self.handle_request(request)
Module pyramid.tweens:20 in excview_tween
>>  response = handler(request)
Module pyramid.router:164 in handle_request
>>  response = view_callable(context, request)
Module pyramid.config.views:352 in rendered_view
>>  context)
Module pyramid.renderers:396 in render_view
>>  return self.render_to_response(response, system, request=request)
Module pyramid.renderers:426 in render_to_response
>>  result = self.render(value, system_values, request=request)
Module pyramid.renderers:422 in render
>>  result = renderer(value, system_values)
Module solmundr.web.tmpl:100 in __call__
>>  return u''.join(xhtml_serializer(tmpl.expand(state)))
Module solmundr.tmpl.serialization:49 in __call__
>>  for e,a in stream:
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:600 in expand
>>  for e in main.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.templates:673 in expand_domlet
>>  for e in layout.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:604 in expand
>>  for e in elem.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:221 in expand
>>  for e in state.expand_expr(eval(self.code, self.gdict, state)):
Module solmundr.tmpl.templates:78 in expand_expr
>>  for e in value.expand(self):
Module solmundr.tmpl.templates:462 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module taglib:3:147 in expand
>>  self.loop(eval(self.iter, self.gdict, state))):
Module ?:79 in py:for
>>  <jl:tr each="item,row in listing.rows">
Module solmundr.components.components:58 in __get__
>>  val = self.computeValue(obj, attr)
Module solmundr.components.components:227 in __call__
>>  return self.recipe(ob, attr)
Module solmundr.components.components:219 in <lambda>
>>  self.recipe = lambda ob, attr: recipe(ob)
Module solmundr.sql.listings:309 in rows
>>  return [self.make_item(row) for row in self._dbcon(query, args)]
Module solmundr.sql.connection:150 in __call__
>>  return self.execute(sql, args, conv=jObject)
Module solmundr.sql.connection:2 in execute
Module solmundr.transactions.transactions:173 in txn_method
>>  return func(self, *args, **kwds)
Module solmundr.sql.connection:145 in execute
>>  cur.execute(sql, args)
IndexError: list index out of range

CGI Variables
APP_NAME 'jmskoly'
FS602_AUTH_SECRET 'bieGhie3 Ub4igeez'
HTTPS 'off'
HTTP_USER_AGENT 'claudebot'
PATH_INFO '/l/akce'
PGDATABASE 'jmskoly'
PGPASSWORD 'Kr4b4th0r'
PGUSER 'app4'
QUERY_STRING 'okres=okres_blansko&kind=vzdelavaci_workshop&kind=vzdelavaci_kurz&kind=soutez_olympiada&kind=vzdelavaci&when=_month&order=%252Bbegin'
RAW_URI '/l/akce?okres=okres_blansko&kind=vzdelavaci_workshop&kind=vzdelavaci_kurz&kind=soutez_olympiada&kind=vzdelavaci&when=_month&order=%252Bbegin'
RUNMODE 'production'
SERVER_SOFTWARE 'gunicorn/0.14.2'
SESSION_SECRET 'sdfiw_eifnoasifaoif'

WSGI Variables
BLOBDM_cache '/var/app/jmskoly/cache'
BLOBDM_default '/var/app/jmskoly/default'
BLOBDM_upload '/var/app/jmskoly/upload'
application <function transaction_middleware at 0x3e73668>
gunicorn.socket <socket._socketobject object at 0x7fa30c0>
paste.parsed_querystring ([('okres', 'okres_blansko'), ('kind', 'vzdelavaci_workshop'), ('kind', 'vzdelavaci_kurz'), ('kind', 'soutez_olympiada'), ('kind', 'vzdelavaci'), ('when', '_month'), ('order', '%2Bbegin')], 'okres=okres_blansko&kind=vzdelavaci_workshop&kind=vzdelavaci_kurz&kind=soutez_olympiada&kind=vzdelavaci&when=_month&order=%252Bbegin')
paste.throw_errors True
webob._parsed_cookies ({}, '')
webob._parsed_query_vars (GET([(u'okres', u'okres_blansko'), (u'kind', u'vzdelavaci_workshop'), (u'kind', u'vzdelavaci_kurz'), (u'kind', u'soutez_olympiada'), (u'kind', u'vzdelavaci'), (u'when', u'_month'), (u'order', u'%2Bbegin')]), 'okres=okres_blansko&kind=vzdelavaci_workshop&kind=vzdelavaci_kurz&kind=soutez_olympiada&kind=vzdelavaci&when=_month&order=%252Bbegin')
wsgi process 'Multiprocess'
wsgi.file_wrapper <class gunicorn.http.wsgi.FileWrapper at 0x2dec1d0>

Module paste.exceptions.errormiddleware:144 in __call__
>>  app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
Module solmundr.web.middleware:13 in transaction_middleware
>>  res = app(environ, start_response)
Module pyramid.router:187 in __call__
>>  response = self.handle_request(request)
Module pyramid.tweens:20 in excview_tween
>>  response = handler(request)
Module pyramid.router:164 in handle_request
>>  response = view_callable(context, request)
Module pyramid.config.views:352 in rendered_view
>>  context)
Module pyramid.renderers:396 in render_view
>>  return self.render_to_response(response, system, request=request)
Module pyramid.renderers:426 in render_to_response
>>  result = self.render(value, system_values, request=request)
Module pyramid.renderers:422 in render
>>  result = renderer(value, system_values)
Module solmundr.web.tmpl:100 in __call__
>>  return u''.join(xhtml_serializer(tmpl.expand(state)))
Module solmundr.tmpl.serialization:49 in __call__
>>  for e,a in stream:
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:600 in expand
>>  for e in main.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.templates:673 in expand_domlet
>>  for e in layout.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:604 in expand
>>  for e in elem.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:221 in expand
>>  for e in state.expand_expr(eval(self.code, self.gdict, state)):
Module solmundr.tmpl.templates:78 in expand_expr
>>  for e in value.expand(self):
Module solmundr.tmpl.templates:462 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module solmundr.tmpl.elements:543 in expand
>>  for e in child.expand(state):
Module taglib:3:147 in expand
>>  self.loop(eval(self.iter, self.gdict, state))):
Module ?:79 in py:for
>>  <jl:tr each="item,row in listing.rows">
Module solmundr.components.components:58 in __get__
>>  val = self.computeValue(obj, attr)
Module solmundr.components.components:227 in __call__
>>  return self.recipe(ob, attr)
Module solmundr.components.components:219 in <lambda>
>>  self.recipe = lambda ob, attr: recipe(ob)
Module solmundr.sql.listings:309 in rows
>>  return [self.make_item(row) for row in self._dbcon(query, args)]
Module solmundr.sql.connection:150 in __call__
>>  return self.execute(sql, args, conv=jObject)
Module solmundr.sql.connection:2 in execute
Module solmundr.transactions.transactions:173 in txn_method
>>  return func(self, *args, **kwds)
Module solmundr.sql.connection:145 in execute
>>  cur.execute(sql, args)
IndexError: list index out of range