Vloženo: 30.09.2015 Autor: Oldřich Vybíral / Oddělení vzdělávání

Nabídka spolupráce se sicilskou školou pro základní školy v Jihomoravském kraji.Podrobnosti v angličtině níže.

Dear collegues,

The "Francesco Paolo Neglia" school in Enna (Sicily) is looking for a lead partner and for partners for its project named "Learning by playing".

The proponent is looking for primary and secondary schools with pupils from 6 to 14 years old.

The main topics of interest are:

  • Motivating the students to study different languages, to learn new cultures and touse modern technology at school trought ITC tools.
  • Improving intercultural dialogue building European connections.
  • Learning by playing.

Would you please find a more detailed presentation of the project. Click here to access the file.
We kindly ask you to disseminate this proposal to your colleagues and regional stakeholders that might be interested in this partnership.
Interested parties are kindly invited to contact by 15/11/2015 Ms Domenica Geraci
E-mail: geracidomenica@libero.it

Best regards,

Ufficio di Bruxelles 
Regione Siciliana - Presidenza
12 Rue Belliard 1040 Bruxelles
Tel: 0032 (0) 2 6392570 - 71
E-mail: ufficiodibruxelles@regionesiciliana.be 

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